Make a Different Today

>> Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Not much people dare to make a different on cause that didnt affect them yet because it is just not thier turn yet. But when it happen, they become so frustrating and emotional. Why don't we join the cause and this group now by today and help out the rest of the world? Nothing is easy but we can make a different today. Life should not be so mundane but we must be positive that by joining hands together our hope prevails. Life is always full of hope when we are able to change our mindset and attitude towards this cause.

Making a different do not need us to sacrifice our whole life. It is means that we need to do something by giving back to coiety today. We can if we are bold enough to start the starting line. We will shouldnt just be ourselves instead thinking of others by start to contribute back what we have. Life is easy. I begin to make a different since in my university times. The pleasure and feeling of satisfaction is hard to be say by words. Only if we start our first step we will know the answer. It lies on our very hands.



Never Ever Give Up In Life!!

When one fall down, the question is when and how long can he coming back? Stand back? Be the man again. It is not easy. The word success or suvival here play a hard time for me to figure it out. It fact, I would never say I am near to these words. I am not even close. But I never give up. I need to try again and again until I see the rope, the line and the hope of it.

There are so many challenges in life. Some we can tolerate and some is not. Some people thinks that we should stops it because we are young and inexperienced and unmatured. But it doesnt mean that this elder generation is a better tryer also at times. It does have a gap of experience but no one can compare of anyone experience to undergo it. We should not and can never compare as there are rule in life. No same parameter. We are govern by our attitude and mood. Most important is our heart to do something.

Like me, when I was an engineer I felt that my passion is not there although I have studied for 4 long years it is not there when I am working. I wont say it is bad but it does give me an impact. I wont say that my engineering degree gave me a better edge also. Whatever it is, we must not give up in everything.

The best thing we should not give up is giving hope and care to the people. We are not alone. If we are rich today, we might not be happy. Even if today we have cancer, we would not be the saddest people in life. Life also move on. Our action speak for ourselves of who we are.



Cancer is an Opportunity Not An Obstacle!!

>> Monday, June 22, 2009

An obstacle does not gave us gift. It does not permit us to move further.But people who have cancer can appreciate life more than many of us. Why? It is a starting point for them to start a new career and change of pathway. Why is it so? It is because does show them that life is worth more than we have now.

Without cancer one will not cherish life as much as we would. We would take life for granted, for fun and for continuing. Cancer people will cherish their health, afraid of getting infected, saving money for medication, have and try to reach out to others so others wont be like them. So I believe we must do something here.

When cancer patients know that they are having it as a opportunity to gain more knowledge and more insight this is a gift. This is a true pure gift for them. Appreciating life means so much for them. Every minute,every momemnt is important as they have strong feeling for time. Time can be their friends and can be thier toughest enemy.

Never ever take this as obstacle. Cancer patients will grow stronger 10 times more after having cancer. They will and would. It is not an obstacle instead an opportunity. It surely is.



Be The Victor Not The Victim AGAIN!!

>> Sunday, June 21, 2009

A person diagnosed with cancer automatically called himself a Victim.
The truth is we shouldn't say that we are at the first place not until it is over.
If a person never fails thousand of times he wouldnt be a successful people.
The same goes to a Cancer patients. He is not a victim until he fight it off.

Our mentality should be strong to withold the challenges. Remember that not a doctor decide when your going to Die but it is God. This words have long forgotten by people. This words come from a wise man to me. I believe that with strong will power we can overcome anything. Anything that drive us crazy, if we can calm down. Concentrate and focus to solve it. We sure can!!!

It is just a challenges. What different between Cancer and any other minor disease is a person should undergo some harder treatment such as chemotheraphy, radiotheraphy and taking a higher dosage drug. We should not put ourselves isolated instead we are the Winner against this war. It is just a small minor problem and we should taken care it easily.

This blog, my group the "Life Legion Caring Society" will be the best support group in Asia to provide the best care, inspiration and support. Although we are young but we are not out from the challenges to Help people. We will do watever we can, anything and everything at all to save cancer patients emotionally, physically and mentally.

This is one of my first steps to turn the patients form a Victim to a Victor!! Life is full of challenges but God provide us a WAY of Escape as well.



First Gathering and First Event

Dear all supporter,team member and friends,

My team and I have decided to organize the event on the following date.

Event no.1
Date: July ,12 2009
• First group gathering.
• Ice breaking session with team member.
• A committee board will be selected for the coming event on 26th July.
• Discussion on how to help out people in Johor.

Event no.2
Date: July,26 2009

• Small exhibition about cancer, educate the public and make them aware of cancer and it’s affection in our daily life.

• Enlarge our community circle and help out each other by giving consultations, cares and supports.

• Let cancer patients know that they are not alone.

Event will be updated all the time.
Any requiries please let us know.



Give the Hope, Confidence and Strength Back to Our Society.

Nowaday, when people are diagnosed with cancer and any other disease they just afraid to meet up with others people. People will view them differently. The question is why? The people in Malaysia and Singapore is not ready yet to take up this challenges yet again.

Cancer patients should feel relieved when met with friends and other people from the public because they need support and care more than anyone. They need use more than anyone do. They do need care, not isolated and most importantly not being humialiated and looked down. People tends to think they are worthless but the truth is they are more appreciating life than any or rest of us. They understand the worry of others, their health and the true meaning of life.

Without giving a support I believe we are not up to the task yet. Without raising a question or helping the cancer patients, we are not a good society yet. Our action lies in our hands and come from our hearts to give back to our society.Giving morale support means a lots to them.

There are people who thought only when they are old should they help the rest. It is too late by now. Helping people does not wait until we are ready. It comes now or never. As the younng society of today. I believe that we should do something expecially to our friends and our generation among us as people in our age have lots been diagnosed with cancer. We need to be alert and helpful to them.

We should not be a weak generation rather than watching our old generation to help out. We should be the one that lead by now.We should be independent and pour strength to this cause. Without cooperation and collaboration, this cause will not be able to successfully perform.

We hope society out ,they can help us to join hands as we are not an island, we should join hands now and move forward with life. Life should be meaningful. Helping and create AWARENESS is one of them.

Bernard Chan


We Should Help Our Society Today!!!!

>> Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cancer has become a taboo word for today society. It has become a norm. Thousand of people today is infected by cancer today and the chances of being a cancer patients is high in Malaysia and Singapore today. Most patients nowaday is coming from a very young age. This kind of misfortune should be avoided at all cost. We should help our society today by creating "AWARENESS CAMPAIGN". Now or never.

Technology has become so advanced but not much people being saved. Lots of people being isolated or being discriminated by society today. There are not much group that care for our young society today. We must show our caring heart ,the real us towards this cause. It is a pure, big saviour cause for all society. It takes a first steps for us to convince society that cancer has been significcant and all of us must be alert and care for it. It lies on our hands. The hands of our generation today that this is important.
We can't ignore thier existence.

When I saw people suffering with cancer, my heart sink. of their pain in thier body and large amount of financial is needed. Thier mentality is hurt and they couldn't fight so much due to their condition. Why don't we do something today??

Let's us get active in this group for a start. We need the first step of society exspecially among our young generation to gather and talk heart to heart on how can we do something for them. Let's us do not wait until we are old only then we realise to help them.

I would like to create a Cancer Awareness Campaign and help out the poor, ill and cancer patients. Their sorrow are my worry. Thier pain is my pain. I will fight for them this cause. Our action speaks for ourselves. Let's us join hand and be active in this group by pouring ideas and support.

Thanks and Best Regards,
Bernard Chan


Time has Come for A Change!!!

Life Legion Caring Society is created to "help the cancer society in Malaysia and Singapore".

We are looking forward to gather all the young passionate professionals who come from all parts of Malaysia and Singapore and we aim to offer our helping hands to patients who are suffering from cancer.

We are starting it small and we will have constant group gathering/meeting among us to plan out our future activities and increase our social network at the same time. We would like to guide the inexperience youngsters to be a better leader and build our career and knowledge together.

Our motive is to make people aware of cancer and how it affects our life.

This group is only open to people age 30 and below. No special profession needed.

You are welcome to join us today!

Let's burn our passion together!